Unleash Your Child's Hidden Talents - Empower Them to Transform Their Future

Junior Negotiator Summer Camp

Unlock Your Child's Negotiation Genius!

Concerned about your child losing negotiation skills? Our Junior Negotiation Summer Camp is the solution.

Childhood Negotiation Talents: A Natural Gift

Children are born with exceptional negotiation abilities, but as they start emulating adult behavior, these innate skills can fade away.

Rediscover Their Talents with Our Summer Camp

At our Junior Negotiation Summer Camp, we offer a unique opportunity to empower your child. Through expert instruction and fun activities, they’ll regain and develop negotiation skills for a lifetime of success.


Empower Your Child: Junior Negotiation Summer Camp!

Boost confidence, decision-making, and success—unlock your child’s potential now!

Meet Negotiator Joan

Hi! I’m Joan. And thanks for taking an interest in reading about me!

I am a negotiation coach with extensive experience helping individuals and organizations achieve their negotiation goals. As a skilled and knowledgeable negotiator, I am dedicated to empowering my clients to communicate effectively, build strong relationships, and achieve successful outcomes in any negotiation setting. 

Whether you are seeking to improve your negotiation skills, overcome a difficult negotiation challenge, or simply enhance your overall effectiveness in communication and conflict resolution, I am here to provide personalized guidance, support, and expert advice tailored to your unique needs and objectives.

With a patient, collaborative, and results-driven approach, I am committed to helping you achieve your goals, build your confidence, and succeed in any negotiation situation. So let’s get started and work together to unlock your full potential as a negotiator!

Other Ways to Work With Joan

Optimize team performance with tailored webinars, negotiation expertise, executive coaching, and dynamic Mastermind Days led by Joan. Elevate your potential.

Group or Team Webinars

Train virtually with a private webinar or series of training

Negotiation Consultancy

Prepare for your next negotiation and win more deals

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching in person to improve self-awareness

Mastermind Day

Have Joan facilitate and lead a mastermind with your team

Talk with Joan For your Success

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