Let’s connect now and start maximizing your negotiation potential today!


Unit10, 7F Building Haixiwenchuang, No.16 Yiai Road ,Siming District, Xiamen , Fujian, China (Zip code:361000)

Other Ways to Work With Joan

Optimize team performance with tailored webinars, negotiation expertise, executive coaching, and dynamic Mastermind Days led by Joan. Elevate your potential.

Group or Team Webinars

Train virtually with a private webinar or series of training

Negotiation Consultancy

Prepare for your next negotiation and win more deals

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching in person to improve self-awareness

Mastermind Day

Have Joan facilitate and lead a mastermind with your team

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No matter what your dreams or obstacles, you have the power to change your life and, by doing so, you’ll change the world.

Reprogram your subconscious mind to become a good Negotiator

A good Negotiator does everything just a little bit differently every day. Download our I AM A GOOD NEGOTIATIOR powerful affirmation to reprogram your subconscious mind, optimize your attitude, and elevate your good outcome ASAP